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This mod is designed for maximum realistic simulation purposes.
I like to play real, so I wrote some mod for help.
ETS2: version 1.28
DLC: Going East - Scandinavia - Vive la France
Maps: Promods 2.18 - Rusmap 1.74 - Projekt Balkan 2.5
Trailers: all jazzycats trafic, Promods TCP 1.14, Rudi´s trailers
mods: alle pvhmodding

Hard economy mod:
Bank data Limit 500000
amount 10000 to 10% - in 6 weeks
amount 50000 to 8% - in 8 weeks
amount 100000 to 6% - in 10 weeks
amount 200000 to 4% - in 20 weeks
truck refund 35% of original price
price_small_garage: 100000
price_garage_upgrade: 50000
garage_prod_plan_tiny: 15000
garage_prod_plan_small: 50000
garage_prod_plan_large: 100000
police data: 200
car crash: 500
avoid sleeping: 50
wrong way: 350
speeding (camera): 50
no lights during night: 250
red lights: 300
speeding simulation_avg_speed: 60.0 km/h
maximum_driving_time: 600 how long the driver can drive (in minutes)
sleeping_time: 540 length of sleep (in minutes)
Arbeitzeit: Easy plus 2 days = 2880 min :Standart plus 15 hours = 900 min :Express plus 5 hours = 300 min

Have fun with it


Please do not upload to other sites, Without permission of the builder

Update 1.5
- version 1.28
- rusmap 1.74
- Promods 2.18
- Projekt Balkan 2.5
- änderung Kredit

Update 1.4
- version 1.27
- rusmap 1.73
- Promods 2.17
- änderung Arbeitszeit

Update 1.3
- version 1.27
- rusmap 1.72
- änderung Arbeitszeit