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+ Unlock Volvo 750Hp engine when buying new trucks (at the dealer), inluding: DAF, MAN, Iveco, Mercedes-Benz, Renault.
Scania have their own 730Hp engine so I do not change it!
+ Usage:
1. Activate mod in the Mod Manager.
2. Buy a new truck (DAF, MAN, Mercedes, Iveco, Renault) a the dealer, you will see that they all have Volvo 750Hp engine.
3. For online (TruckersMP) gameplay, use this mod in offline first, then deactive it, then use your new truck and play online! Enjoy!

Exception: Scania have their own 730hp engine, so I do not mod about Scania!

+ Tested game version: ETS2 v1.28
+ Mod version: v2017.0.1
+ Videos:

Credits: nghiaht@Team Truckers Vietnam