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- 6 cabins (3 of them support the skin, painted 3): with spoiler, a roof spoiler, no spoilers.
- 2 chassis (4x2, one supports the skin - another painting)
- Lightmask
- Its animation wipers
- Scania fully bake
- their shadows
- Its collision
- 2 engine, label change with the replacement of engines
- Its interior, DLS support
- its wheels

- Visor (4 options)
- Tanks (8 options)
- Bumper (4 options)
- Dudka
- Plate T.I.R.
- Michelin
- Fenders (2 versions)
- number texture, can do to put yourself how you want.
- Works on 1.33.x

Respect credits and download link.

Credits: Сергей Лунин, Peter De Konink